Small-Group Communication
Learning Unit’s Contents
Small Group Communication Defined
Small group communication mostly refers to working, or task-solving groups.
The number of the participant varies depending on nature of the group. It can go from 3 to 20 members.
Important is that every member of the group has the same opportunity to participate in the interaction.
1 – Defining Factors in Small Group Communication
1.1 Motivation
The involvement of the members is relatively high. They will get some rewards from participating in the group test.
1.2 Goals
The members of the group have the same goal. And this goal is the amalgamating factor.
1.3 Organization
The next factor is the organization. Each person needs to have a specific function in the group. Someone takes notes, someone has to do some research, etc.
1.4 Interdependence
Each person in the group is somehow dependent on the others. If one of the members doesn’t do his or her job correctly, the whole group suffers the consequences.
1.4 Interaction
As I already said, the group has to be small enough to allow face to face communication among the members. Every member should have the same chance to participate in the group dynamic.
Types of Groups
Tubbs and Moss distinguish 5 basic types of groups.
1 Primary Groups
1 Primary groups are constituted by the most important people in your life (family or closest friends, what the authors calls significant others).
2 Casual and Social Groups
Casual and social Groups (neighborhood groups, fraternities or friends cliques) also play an important role and help define ourselves. They become a necessary reference in our lifes.
3 Educational Groups
In Educational groups – or learning groups – the members get together to learn something or to acquire certain skills. Since the members of those groups have a common goal, the cohesiveness con be strong.
4 Work Groups
Member of a work group also have a goal in common. In this regard, they are similar to the educational groups. Still, in work groups the tasks are clearly defined, which is not the case in educational groups.
5 Problem-Solving Groups
Problem-solving groups could be considered a sub-category of the work groups. In this case, the goal that the members share is the solutions of a specific problem. Thus, those groups use to be highly specialized.
Roles Within the Group
The members of groups, as opposed to the interpersonal communication context, take very well defined goals.
First of all, every group dynamic will develop a leadership. Leaders, as defined in our textbook, are individuals who are assigned, or selected, or who emerged from the group, to guide the rest of the members toward its goals.
Before we start with the analysis of the different roles individuals can play in group communication dynamics, we need to briefly discuss the phenomenon of leadership.
1 Leadership
There is a vast literature on leadership. For this course, you just need to understand and remember the three basic leadership styles:
1.1 Autocratic Leader
A leader who has complete control.
1.2 Democratic Leader
A leader who shares control.
1.3 Laissez-faire Leader
A leader who gives up control.
2 Role Group Members Can Play
Inside the group, its members adopt certain roles that have different functions and effects. K. D. Benne and P. Sheats established a comprehensive system of roles that group members can play:
2.1 Group Task Roles
People who start the process bringing new ideas, new definitions of the concepts or problems, new procedures or methods to work.
Information seeking
Member who look for authoritative information, facts, examples.
Information giving
Some members specialized in presenting information or facts to the group.
Opinion seeking
Other participants show more talent to look not for factual information, but for assessments of similar projects, tasks or situations – and also encourage the opinion inside the group
Opinion giving
The individuals who tend to provide those opinions.
The coordinator combines ideas or suggestions of the different members. He/she also clarifies the relationship between those ideas or suggestions.
A very important function inside the group fulfill those members who question the ideas or suggestions proposed by other members of the group
There are individuals who prove to be especially efficient motivating the colleagues and increasing the level of quality or activity of the group.
Assisting on procedure
Also important is that someone takes care of minor tasks (making copies), This facilitates the group dynamic.
Finally, at least one member of the group should write down suggestions or ideas – keep minutes of the meetings.
2.1 Group Building and Maintenance Roles
If you praising other people’s contribution – and thus encourage everybody to participate.
Some individuals develop a special talent for mediating when there is any conflict among the members of the group.
When involve in conflict or discussion, there must be someone who is willing for compromise, yield status or recognize mistakes.
This person controls the flow of information – stops people who talk too much – and encourages those who are rather quiet.
Setting standards or ideals
Some members of the group specialized in evaluating the activity or achievements of the group.
Not everybody can be the leader – followers are necessary – they don’t take the lead, but participate with enthusiasm in the tasks assigned to them.
2.3 Self-Centered Roles
Inside the group there may be individuals who show no respect for the ideas of others – or make fun of those ideas or of other members of the group.
Members who show an incapacity to reason. Thet are obstinate, and reject ideas systematically.
Recognition seeking
Some people give more importance to the own role than the task of the group – they use the project to back personal ambitions or to feel important
And others are always looking for opportunities to talk about the own issues.
Acting the playboy
People who find cool to show disinterest – who find stupid, or naïve any task you assign to them.
There are also certain individuals who feel the pathological need of asserting themselves. They use to have difficulties to listen and are constantly interrupting.
Help seeking
Some group members might become dysfunctional because their lack of self confidence.
Special-interest pleading
People who have a cause to defend, and use any chance to talk about it (distracting the attention from the actual task).